
How to Tell Male and Female Platies Apart? (Pictures and Quiz)

It’s comparatively straightforward to inform female and male platies aside. The primary distinction between female and male platies are that the male platies have a modified anal fin known as the gonopodium. Whereas feminine platies don’t have a gonopodium. Gonopodium resembles an extended anal fin. Under you will see 4 straightforward methods to inform female and male platies aside.

4 Methods to Inform Male and Feminine Platies Aside

1. Male Platies Have Lengthy Anal Fins (Gonopodiums)

The simplest and surest option to inform female and male platy aside is to search for the gonopodium. Like different male freshwater livebearers, male platies have a modified anal fin known as a gonopodium. Whereas feminine platies don’t have a gonopodium.

Male Platy
Shut up of Male Platy with distinguished gonopodium

Gonopodiums appear like lengthy, pointy anal fins (anal fins are the fins on the backside of the fish). Male platies have a gonopodium, whereas feminine platies don’t have a gonopodium. The anal fins of feminine platies look rounded.

Female Platy
Feminine Platy

2. Feminine Platies are Fatter and Greater than Male Platies

One other option to inform female and male platies aside is to have a look at the dimensions of the platies. Feminine platies are fatter, rounder, and larger than male platies. Take a more in-depth have a look at your platies. The larger and fatter platy might be the feminine. Confirm the intercourse of your feminine platy, test that she doesn’t have a gonopodium and that her anal fins are rounded and quick.

Female Platy
Feminine Platy with spherical stomach

3. Feminine Platy Have Rounder Stomach with a Black Spot

Search for rounded bellies and a black spot on the stomach to differentiate between female and male platies. In case your feminine platy is pregnant, she could have an enormous spherical stomach and an enormous black spot on her stomach. The black spot on the stomach of the feminine platy known as the gravid spot.

Female Platy with Gravid Spot
Feminine Platy with Gravid Spot

Even when the feminine platy just isn’t pregnant, you may nonetheless see the black spot on the stomach. The gravid spot might not be as darkish and distinguished on the feminine platy’s stomach if she’s not pregnant, however however, there shall be telltale indicators of the black spot.

Simply look intently at your platies. You will note the black, gravid spot on the stomach of your feminine platies. Confirm that she is certainly a feminine platy by additionally checking to see that her anal fin is spherical and that she doesn’t have a gonopodium.

Male platies, then again, is not going to have any indicators of a black spot on their stomach. The stomach of male platies may also look skinny. Confirm that your male platies are actually male by checking to see if their anal fins are lengthy and pointy, which tells you he’s a male platy as a result of he has a gonopodium.

4. Male Platy’s Coloring is Extra Vibrant than the Feminine Platy

One other, extra delicate option to inform aside female and male platy is to have a look at the coloring of the platy fish. The male platy shall be extra vibrant in coloration when in comparison with the feminine platy. It’s not apparent at occasions since it may be tough to discern between one shade of orange and one other shade of orange.

Utilizing this technique alone to inform aside female and male platy fish is not going to be correct. You also needs to double test the intercourse of your platy by in search of the gonopodium, evaluating the dimensions and in search of the gravid spot.

The right way to Inform Younger Male and Feminine Platies Aside?

When they’re younger, all platies appear like feminine platies. It’s tough to inform aside younger female and male platies as a result of they appear related. One option to inform aside female and male juvenile platies is to search for the gonopodium.

Young Male Platy
Younger Male Platy with distinguished gonopodium

Look intently at your younger platies. Search for the tell-tale indicators of gonopodiums on male juvenile platies. They appear like pointy anal fins. Nonetheless, typically, in case your platies are actually younger, they might not have their gonopodiums but.

Maintain checking your younger platy. Ultimately the gonopodium will emerge and it is possible for you to to inform the younger feminine platy other than the younger male platy.

Can Platies Change Intercourse?

No, platies don’t change intercourse. If they’re born feminine, they won’t change intercourse to a male. Feminine platies will stay feminine for all times. The identical holds true for male platies. If they’re born as male platies, they are going to keep male for all times.

Male Platy
Male Platy

Some fishkeepers get confused and mistakenly assume their feminine platy has modified intercourse to grow to be a male platy. This confusion often happens when a male platy dies or is faraway from the tank, and the feminine platy turns into pregnant even though there are not any male platies within the tank.

This being pregnant occurred as a result of the sperm of the male platy stayed inside the feminine’s physique. A feminine platy can retailer male platy sperm in her physique for months, so the feminine can get pregnant once more even when the male platy just isn’t current.

Quiz: Spot the Male versus the Feminine Platies

After studying this text, I hope you realized to inform the distinction between female and male guppies. Take the quiz beneath, discover out when you can distinguish between female and male guppies.

Check out the photograph beneath, can you notice the male platy? Do you see the lengthy and pointy gonopodium on the male platies? Do you see the rounded anal fins of the feminine platies?

Male vs. Female Platy
Quiz: Male vs Feminine Platies
Male vs. Female Platy
Reply Key: Male vs Feminine Platies Quiz

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